MachineLogic Program Autorun


This guide offers step by step instructions to use the MachineLogic Launcher Python program.
The goal of this program is to allow you to run a MachineLogic program on start-up of your machine.

Uploading the Python program to MachineMotion

1- Connect to MachineMotion using the Ethernet port
2- Connect to Cloud9 using the following URL address (via Google Chrome)
3- Open the User_python_application folder on the left-hand side as seen in the image
4- Drag and drop the Python program into this file.
5- Open the file and change the “MLapp” to the name of your MachineLogic application (refer
to figure 3 to identify the name of the MachineLogic program name)
6- Open the mm-python-api file and drag and drop the file into
User_python_application. Refer to the image below to see how your final folder
should look like.


Launching the Python program on start up

Now that you have your sensors configured the last step is to set this program to run on start up so
the program would always be running in the background when MachineMotion is turned on.
1- Connect to MachineMotion using the Ethernet port
2- Connect to Control Center using the following URL address (via Google Chrome)
3- Open Application Launcher


4- Under Available Apps select the start button next to the ML_launcher and the
application will run on start-up


If you have additional questions please do not hesitate to reach out to our support team by sending an email at!