Firmware Release of V2.15 on MMV2

We are excited to introduce Firmware Version 2.15 for MachineMotion V2.

This release includes significant updates across MachineLogic and ControlCenter, with a focus on improving usability, expanding capabilities, and optimizing performance. Whether you’re using the code-free environment or Python programming, this update streamlines your workflow and introduces powerful new tools to help you build and manage your automated systems with even greater ease and efficiency.

MachineLogic - Code Free

  • Full Edge Support: The new Robot Instruction is now fully supported on Edge.
  • Scene Assets Management: Users can update, add, or remove Scene Assets from the Scene Assets Tab in the Code Free Editor.
  • Automatic Remapping of Invalid Scene Assets: All invalid Scene Assets will automatically be remapped to a new robot when a new robot is added.
  • New Robot Move Instruction: The old Robot Instruction has been deprecated in favor of the new Robot Move Instruction.
  • Deprecation of Robot Paths and Loops: Robot Paths and Loops have been deprecated and are no longer available via the Editor.
  • New Robot Set Payload Instruction: A new instruction allows users to set the payload for a given robot.

MachineLogic - Python Programming

  • Introduced the new Scene class to the SDK, accessible off of Machine class by a new method get_scene(). Scene is a software representation of the scene containing assets such as reference frames and targets for robots as defined within the MachineLogic Scene Assets pane.
  • Added get_calibration_frame method to the new Scene class which returns a software representation of a Calibration Frame (CalibrationFrame) as defined within the scene assets pane.
  • Added get_default_value, get_calibrated_value, and set_calibrated_value to the new CalibrationFrame class, allowing users to calibrate their robot programmatically.
  • Updated the documentation to reflect the new classes Scene, and CalibrationFrame, along with their respective methods: get_calibration_frame (Scene), get_default_value (CalibrationFrame), get_calibrated_value(CalibrationFrame), and set_calibrated_value (CalibrationFrame).
  • New compatibility matrix in documentation to define compatibilities between SDK versions, MachineMotion versions and Pendant versions.
  • New file navigator in the IDE to render and edit multiple files.
  • Upload button to replace the content of an application with a folder from your computer.


  • Updated the Terms & Conditions of the onboarding flow, including user experience improvement purpose.
  • If you have a Teach Pendant connected, the Teach Pendant hardware version will now be displayed in the footer.
  • The robot enabling modals can now be dismissed. You can reset your robot to an operational state via the Manual Mode page.
  • Configuration page: There is now the possibility of reconnecting to a robot from the robot’s configuration card.
  • Manual Mode page: The robot jogger UI has been revamped. It now displays the robot’s operational and safety states at all times, as well as allows it to reset the robot to an operational state.


  • Energize the end sensors for electrical cylinders
  • Verify parent/child movements from end sensor
  • Integrate O-Ring Roller Conveyor into compatible actuators