Firmware Release of V2.14 on MMV2

We are excited to announce the latest firmware update V2.14 for MachineMotion V2, packed with significant enhancements and new features to elevate your robotics experience. This release brings expanded support for new FANUC and UR robot models, introduces powerful additions to MachineLogic for Python programming, and offers improved functionalities within the ControlCenter of your Vention Pendant.

Support for New Robot Models

  • Expanded support for FANUC robot models: CRX-25iA, CRX-20iA/L, CRX-10iA/L, CRX-10iA, CRX-5iA.

  • Expanded support for UR robot models: UR3, UR10, UR20, UR16, UR30.

MachineLogic - Python Programming

New PathFollower Class: A new PathFollower class has been implemented and is now importable through MachineLogic. This grants users the ability to inject “G-code” within MachineLogic Python scripts, enhancing control and automation capabilities.

Optional ip_address Parameter: The ip_address parameter is now optional in the Machine class constructor, providing greater flexibility in deployment scenarios and granting the ability to remotely run Python applications from a laptop or external server.

Expanded and Updated Robot Operational States:

  • The RobotOperationalState class now includes two new states:

    • UNKNOWN = 4
  • The RobotSafetyState class has been modified by removing PROTECTIVE_STOP = 4 and adding SAFEGUARD_STOP = 4.

Multi-File and Multi-Process Application Support: The MachineMotion controller now supports the execution of multi-file and multi-process applications, enabling the deployment of more complex and powerful Python applications.

Custom-Built UI Support: The MachineMotion controller now supports the addition and serving of custom-built UIs, allowing you to create and deploy your own robot operator interfaces (HMI) using web development frontend practices. These custom UIs can be run directly on the controller, providing increased control and flexibility.


Enhanced Robot State Display: The robot operational and safety states are now explicitly displayed in the robot state modals on the pendant. Reduced speed mode will be indicated by a red toaster notification.

Configuration Page Enhancements:

  • Configuration Upload Warning: Upon uploading a configuration, a warning message will notify you that the current configuration will be lost.

  • Log Download: You now have the ability to download logs from the MachineMotion. This operation will take about a minute.

  • TCP Offset Configuration: You can now configure a TCP offset for your robot. This offset will impact subsequent moves of the robot, whether expressed in a MachineLogic application, Python application, or Manual Mode.

Manual Mode Page: The current TCP offset of your robot will be shown in the Manual Mode page.

Application Launcher Page: The ability to auto-launch applications is now available.

Remote Access: The “Enable Remote Access” option will now be accessible through the navigation bar and removed from the home page.