Tips and tricks to help with assembling your Vention system

Just received your Vention order and looking to assemble it? Here are some helpful tips and tricks.

About the assembly instructions

In the provided instructions, your assembly is broken down into steps with both an exploded view and a completed view. Each component is identified along with its corresponding fasteners. You’ll also find general information on how to begin assembling, which tools you’ll need, and some advanced tips. You can download the assembly instructions directly from your design by clicking the burger menu and selecting “Download assembly instructions”.


The assembly instructions are not always accurate, so we best recommend following the below tips:

Using MachineBuilder during assembly
Add your assembly team as design collaborators or send them a private link so they can view the design in 3D while they assemble. Within MachineBuilder, several key features support easy assembly:

  • Tree view. Shows part numbers along with associated fasteners when you select any part in the model. (Tip: The last four digits of a fastener or extrusion’s part number indicate its length.)

Notice how in the tree view, you will see the associated fasteners for the selected part, the part is also highlighted in green directly on your design. In this case, we have selected a panel, it requires 5 20mm screws that are M8 in thread size (HW-FN-015-0020) and 5 T-nuts that are M8 in thread size (HW-FN-002-0001)

  • Annotation tool. Annotate your parts by Vention part numbers or length. We recommend annotating them by length as it will be easier to locate the parts required to finish your assembly.

Installing t-nuts

For installation of t-nuts, please take a look at the two images in this guide.

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