How to Identify Your First Automation Project: An Interview with Kurt Gunnell

As more small and medium manufacturers adopt automation technology, Vention is dedicated to ensuring they have the knowledge, support, and resources to be successful. To this end, we recently launched a 3-part webinar series, ‘Scaling Up with Automation: A Guide for Small to Medium Manufacturers.’ 

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at
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Did you miss our webinar with Mathieu Desmarais, VP of Application Engineering at Vention, and Kurt Gunnell, Manufacturing & Automation Engineer at Bourns, Inc.?

No worries! Check out this blog post recapping their enlightening discussion or watch the full webinar on-demand at anytime here: Scaling Up with Automation: A Guide for Small to Medium Manufacturers (Episode 2) - Webinars.

Happy automating!