One of the most common question I receive is: Can you show me this design with doors open?
The answers is… YES!
but how?
Click on the hinge and select the “RDOF options” of the puck
(RDOF stands for Rotation Degree of Freedom)
but wait, I don’t have this option on my end, it only shows “translations” …
Here’s the trick: you need to disconnect your door from the surrounding frame, only leave the hinge connected.
Here’s how to unlock your door:
- Right-Click on the surrouding frame’s extrusion on which your door hinge is attached
- Select “Highlight connected parts”
- CTRL-Select one door part that was highlighted as well as the surrounding frame extrusion
- Right-Click on any of the select parts
- Select “Break Part Connection”
- Repeat steps 3 to 5 with the other door parts highlighted (if any)
Click on the hinge and select the “RDOF options” of the puck
Slide the cursor to open the door as wide as you want it to be
Pro Tip: Change your rotation increments in your settings (Menu->Settings->Smart Settings->Snap to Angle)